Science Mantiq

In the name of God the Merciful

Praise be to Allah who has thrown –oo- results thought to employers Ahadja
Ouht them from the sky of the mind –oo- every veil of clouds of ignorance
Even seemed to them suns knowledge –oo- saw Mkhaddradtha Menkhfah
We praise Him most of the blessings –oo-the grace of faith and Islam
Summarize the fine may be sent from –oo- and is better than Ali won standings
Mohamed Sayed each tracker –oo- Arab Hashemite Prophet
God bless him as long as Ahadja –oo- locked in from the sea of ​​meanings for Jaja
And his family with guidance from –oo- likened Bondjem in Alahtda

Results () thought () any results that arise from the results of thought and the language of the collection Taatnjh fruit and idiomatically necessary to say there are two views of the delivery of the same order of things and thought information to reach out into the unknown () Ouht them ... Alej() almost mind the sky for being the subject of rising Smh knowledge of the moral and the sky is the place for the emergence of Smh Alasrac good ()zhab ignorance () semi-ignorance of a cloud because it must be reason for perceptions as the clouds must be of the beholder to recognize the sun sensory () suns knowledge () any knowledge that Kalshmos in the use of () Mkhaddradtha () to be the difficult issues likened bride Almttrh under caution Mosque hiding in each and Alsidir mentioning the results and thought, mind and hairy that meant by science is reasonable tact initiation, which is that come the speaker in the Horoscope his words with feeling Menksodh These so-called brilliantly informed than the skill requirement it to come commendable before initiation of the intended other than the skill section, they come in another words what feels complete () the grace of faith and Islam () singled Praise them with the fact that God's blessings for a slave to countless because they are the manifestation Yes and mundane basis () fine of had sent () any intercession and follow-up is already unlike Almm the former, they watchers has a force that their messengers deputies () the master of all tracker () about this topic epithets Mohammed for a prosecutor to the severity of his love peace be upon him, the love Xia more than Dl () blessings God () the fulfillment of required when Decker called the of Dl Aodkr between his hands did not reach him skimpy () what long as Ahadja () metaphor for perpetuate prayer () Sea Almani() any meanings that Ksearfa abundance and amplitude and in come up for a signal that it does not contain all contributions meanings except Allah as Allah said: "But Ahristiton some of his knowledge, but as he wishes" () to Jaja () collection abyss of the water Great compelled What is meant by the difficult issues likened Baljaj in hardness to go into all () with guidance () any significance on the road to reach the required whether that happened or not () in Alahtda () any in the fact that each guiding narrated in conversations divine that the prophet peace be upon him are asked the Lord what make up the owners, said: "When your friends Iamamed STARS in the sky, some lights, some of it is discernible something with which he disagreed on guidance from me.


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